
The way from Santiago de Compostela to Padrón

Countless testimonies and tales attest to a deeply-rooted tradition that has been practised by pilgrims from myriad countries since the Middle Ages: after visiting the relics in Santiago de Compostela, they would continue their journey to Padrón in order to see for themselves the origins of the Way of Saint James, considered to be the […]

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Message of Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism

As the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism,  I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to a new initiative designed to further enrich the Way of Saint James experience: the ANDANTES website, part of the “O Teu Xacobeo” programme. A crafted guide designed to provide a practical and updated log enabling pilgrims to enjoy […]

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The ways that shape the land

“A pátria/ pedra de canteiro/ medra no camiño”. […]

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The English Way, a tale of two trails

When it comes to travel, has all been said (written) and done? When travelling from here to there, is there anything new to tell? Is there any hidden corner of the world that still remains off the map, that hasn’t been showcased on social media or featured in the written press?  […]

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In search of the “Way of the stars”

Completing the extension of the Way of Saint James as far as Fisterra and Muxía is unquestionably one of the most profound experiences in the lifetime of any human being.  . Contrary to popular belief, the origins of this route associated with the “Way of the Stars” date back many centuries to the Middle Ages, […]

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The Holy Queen of Portugal in Santiago de Compostela

In 1612, in the Convent of Santa Clara de Coimbra, the magnificent Gothic tomb of Elizabeth of Aragon (c. 1270-1336), Queen of Portugal and wife of King Denis I, was opened to examine her mortal remains, an essential part of the canonisation process, which had begun many years earlier. Her profound devoutness and the countless […]

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The magic of the Way

It was in October 1993 when the Way of Saint James first came to my attention. Prior to that, my knowledge had been limited to a few vague ideas picked up from history books that made the odd reference to pilgrims and European pilgrimage routes. On that particular day, whilst I was driving in the […]

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The Way of Saint James and the sea. Reflections.

1. The Way of Saint James and all that surrounds it have always shared inextricable ties. In accordance with the notion that upholds the existence of a Way of Saint James prior to the associations with the Apostle, in allusion to the souls journeying along the Milky Way to the otherworld, its physical boundary was […]

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